We offer a range of stevedoring services and can provide personalized assistance at the client's request.

Stevedoring operations
The most modern technical equipment and applied technologies; We use unique technological mechanisms to simultaneously loading several ships. Moreover, "Port Vysotsky" can carry out loadings in different batches, throughout which the quality of the materials handled can vary. At the same time, the port carries out the supply of the materials by rail. All the operations are carried out simultaneously, without any equipment and machinery downtime.
Warehousing of goods
We carry out a set of measures to bring any bulk cargo into a transportable state. We organise a storage system for various grades of coal.
Port towing
We carry out all types of towing operations of vessels in the port water area(s). The ports service includes escorting and mooring of vessels with deadweight up to 150,000 tons.

Performance measures
Size and types of vessels
Panamax (deadweight 65,000 – 95,000 тн),
Supramax (deadweight 50,000 – 70,000 тн),
Handymax (deadweight 35,000 – 45,000 тн),
Handysize (deadweight 15,000 – 35,000 тн).
The maximum length of the vessel is 230 m, the width of the vessel is 38 m, the draft of the vessel is up to 11.9 m.
Average time of cargo turnover in the port by hours
Within 24 hours - from the acceptance of the wagons to the port - coal movement for technological accumulation begins. First, the cargo is unloaded and moved to the conveyors, and then it is formed into a pile at the berths.
Berth waiting time
The port provides dedicated berths for each client. Therefore, if a client is not occupying their allocated berth, there is no berth waiting time for newly arrived ships.
Ship input by tonnes per ship hour at berth
1 crane 250 - 300 tons,
2 cranes 500 - 600 tons,
3 cranes 750 - 900 tons,
4 cranes 1000 - 1200 tons,
5 cranes 1250 -1500 tons.
Port turn-around time
On average, 70 hours for Panamax vessels and 30 hours for Handysize vessels.
Berth occupancy rate
65-85%, depending on the number of vessels being handled.
Our Technology
Mantsinen material handlers - allow us to decrease energy consumption up to 35%. Damen tugboats - a company that aims to become the most sustainable shipbuilder; in turn, by using their products, we further support our sustainability values. Ardelt slewing cranes - allow us to have double jib slewing cranes designed for handling cargo and integrate with the hopper for the shortest possible path between the vessel and the hopper.