The Port Celebrates its 15th Anniversary
Уважаемые коллеги и партнеры!
Dear colleagues and partners! With all our heart we congratulate you with our 15th anniversary.

Over the past years, the Company has achieved outstanding results in the development of the port business and its activities have been awarded with departmental, regional and cross-industry awards. Vysotsky Port actively participates in social, charitable and cultural projects. Today, the tasks of competent development and use of existing capacities, improving technologies and improving management activities, as well as improving environmental and industrial safety, improving working conditions and social protection of workers are coming to the fore.
On the eve of the significant date for the achieved labor success and many years of conscientious work, the port workers were marked with high awards: gratitude of the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, gratitude of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the Northwestern Federal District, Certificate of honor and gratitude of the Governor of the Leningrad Region, gratitude of the head of administration of the Vyborgsky District MO. We would like to wish joint fruitful activities and long prosperity, universal striving for success and well-being, enthusiasm, creativity of ideas, dedication and excellent health to everyone.
В преддверии знаменательной даты за достигнутые трудовые успехи и многолетнюю добросовестную работу работники порта отмечены высокими наградами: благодарность Министра транспорта РФ, благодарность полномочного представителя Президента РФ по СЗФО, Почетная грамота и благодарность Губернатора Ленинградской области, благодарность главы администрации МО «Выборгский район».
Хотим пожелать совместной плодотворной деятельности и долгого процветания, всеобщего стремления к успеху и благополучию, энтузиазма, креативности идей, целеустремлённости и отличного здоровья каждому.
- Port Vysotsky Management