Holy Trinity Church
In the city of Vysotsk, the construction of an Orthodox church is in full swing. The walls are already growing and soon we will be able to contemplate the temple in its full glory. Vologda craftsmen help in construction, and they promise to complete the installation in three months.
On the 9th of July 2019, Bishop Ignatius of Vyborg and Priozersk, accompanied by the clergy, performed the rite of laying a capsule with a special letter inside the foundation of the church under construction and held a service. The temple was founded by the patronage the company of Port Vysotsky , which fully financed its construction. The ruling bishop congratulated everyone on the significant event and thanked the port authorities for responding to God's call to erect the house of the Lord. In Vysotsk, a small but friendly Orthodox community has already formed, which is eagerly awaiting the completion of the construction of the church.